MySET - Frequently Asked Questions
[05 November 2024] The MOL 24/25 Version 3 is now available. Its content is valid as of 4th November 2024.
[18 June 2024] Please note that we are currently developing a new portal in addition to a digital MOL. Stay tuned, as we will be communicating with stakeholders soon.
[23 April 2024] IMPORTANT NOTE!!! When you register for an account, the approval process is NOT AUTOMATIC. A human administrator verifies all account requests and must manually activate your account before you can log in. You will not be able to log in until you have received an e-mail notification that your account has been activated.
What is the purpose of MySET?
My Skills and Education Translator aims to assist CAF members in career transition by providing a centralized resource that can be used to identify which Post-Secondary Institutions recognize prior learning for military skills and education. This may be in the form of civilian equivalency, accreditation of specific occupation training, education, experience or a combination thereof.
Why if the School I want to attend is not in MySET?
Participation by Post-Secondary Institutions (PSI) in the MySET application is purely voluntary. There is no formal obligation on the part of the PSI to provide any form of academic recognition for military training and education. It is up to each institution to choose and determine what form of recognition it provides to the military member or veteran. MySET simply provides a centralized digital platform that allows PSI to present their academic offerings for recognition of your military training and education.
Why do I not receive a credit for my qualification(s)?
Each academic institution within MySET provides offerings for the qualifications and training that CAF members receive during their careers. As academic institutions are independent from one another, they have separate assessment processes for credit recognition that is unique to each institution. As such they may not offer a credit for the qualification that you seek. While you may not have found a specific credit offering related to your qualification, we recommend that you still contact the academic institution of your choice and ask if they will recognize or offer a credit for that qualification itself. Many academic institutions can provide an overall experimental assessment of your military career and offer you different pathways to higher learning. You can coordinate directly with the academic institution to have your qualification recognized for credits or other offerings.
My qualification(s) are no longer active, or have been superseded by another qualification(s). What do I do?
If the qualification you are searching for is no longer active, or has been superseded by another qualification, try taking a look at the MITE code for the qualification as it may still be on the searchable item list. Otherwise, you should determine what the active, or most recent, qualification is, and have that qualification vetted for consideration by the academic institution. The Enabling Objective (EO) for the qualification may have, or may not have, changed since the qualification has been updated. The academic institution has access via their MySET Account to view a limited number of Canadian Armed Forces civilianized training syllabus known as Training Requirements (TR’s). They may be able to map your previous qualification to a more recent CAF TR.
Where can I find the registrar information for the academic institution I want to contact?
If you “hover” over the name of the academic institution in the results section of offerings, you will be able to go directly to the Prior Learning Assessment (PLAR) site for that academic institution. There you will find a military specific “landing page” for military academic recognition, specifically for CAF members! From there, you should be able to find the correct contact information of the institutions personnel responsible for PLAR, credit recognition, and other offerings.
The academic institution I want to recognize my training is not there, where can I find it?
Each academic institution on MySET was brought on individually, but the current list of academic institutions for MySET is not final! MySET is a “living tool” - it will continue to grow as time goes on. More academic institutions will continue to on-board onto MySET in the coming months, which will provide a more robust and complete recognition of military training and qualifications. In the meantime, we strongly encourage you to reach out to the academic institution that you want to have your qualifications recognized, and introduce them to the MySET tool. The academic institution has access via their MySET Account to view a limited number of Canadian Armed Forces civilianized training syllabus known as Training Requirements (TR’s). They may be able to map your previous qualification to a more recent CAF TR. This will greatly expedite the process of raising awareness for the academic institution, and the MySET staff will work diligently to have them on-boarded to MySET soonest!
Is the MySET transcript an official transcript?
While the MySET transcript provides a thorough review of all of the training and courses recognition that you received as a member of the CAF, it is not an official transcript. It serves as a guide that academic institutions use to coordinate their credit recognition and offerings.
Where can I find information on the education funding?
To find information on education funding for current serving military personnel (Regular and Reserve Forces), or veterans, please go to the MySET resources page where you will find a link that directs you to the CAF Individual Learning Plan (ILP), or VAC Education and Training Benefit (ETB). There you will find out all of the information available to register for the CAF ILP VAC ETB. In addition, Res F members can find a link and information related to Reservists and Canada Student Loans.