My Account

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[05 November 2024] The MOL 24/25 Version 3 is now available. Its content is valid as of 4th November 2024.

[18 June 2024] Please note that we are currently developing a new portal in addition to a digital MOL. Stay tuned, as we will be communicating with stakeholders soon.

[23 April 2024] IMPORTANT NOTE!!! When you register for an account, the approval process is NOT AUTOMATIC. A human administrator verifies all account requests and must manually activate your account before you can log in. You will not be able to log in until you have received an e-mail notification that your account has been activated.

Complete the form below with details about the account.

Account Type

Your account type determines what you may or may not do in the CAF ACE. Once set, it cannot be changed except by e-mailing the system administrator. Note that all requests for privileged accounts will be reviewed by the system administrator before activation.

The account type is invalid.

Select an account type above...

You are involved with the management of CAF ACE.

You are involved with managing Canadian Armed Forces training plans and requirements.

You are working with/for the CAF Recruiting Group.

You are a CAF member account holder who works at CDA and manages CAF members on the Basic Training List.

You are involved with the delivery and/or management of post-secondary education and training programmes.

You want to join our mailing list only, or you are not associated with the CAF or an institution.

General Information

A unique login name you will use to login to the CAF ACE. Once your account is created, this cannot be changed.

Fill in all required fields.

The user name is invalid or is already in use.

Your last name.

Fill in all required fields.

Your first name, including any middle initials.

Fill in all required fields.

Your job title or position. (e.g. Dean, Program Coordinator)

Your faculty, school or department. (e.g. School of Health Sciences)

Your complete phone number including area code.

Fill in all required fields.

The phone number entered is not valid.


Extension must be numeric.

Your e-mail address.

E-mail address invalid or e-mails do not match.

Re-type your e-mail address.

E-mail address invalid or e-mails do not match.

Role-Specific Information

Your rank (abbreviated).

Your employer or the organization you represent.

The CAF training establishment at which you work. If your CAF training establishment is not listed, contact the system administrator.

The institution (e.g. college, cégep) at which you work. If your institution is not listed, contact the system administrator.


Your password must be at least 5 characters long. Never tell anyone your password - CAF ACE staff will never ask for your password by e-mail.

Password invalid or passwords do not match.

Password does not meet minimum length requirement (5 characters).

Re-type your new password.

Password invalid or passwords do not match.

Contact Preferences

Preferred language for correspondence. Note that some e-mails may be monolingual and as such you may receive messages not in the language of your choice.

HTML e-mail contains full formatting and pictures, but may not display correctly in some e-mail readers. Plain text mail is only text.

Select which types of mailings you would like to receive from CAF ACE staff.

As per the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation, the CAF ACE seeks your consent and agreement to receive promotional e-mails concerning CAF ACE and CAF recruitment. Note this does not affect emails sent specifically dealing with account administration or updates on CAF ACE system outages or maintenance.